Sticky Note Origami Frog: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide

If you’ve ever wanted to create something fun with just a sticky note, this Sticky note origami frog is the perfect project. Whether you’re a beginner or someone familiar with origami, this guide will walk you through each step with ease. With just a few simple folds, you’ll have a cute little frog made from a post-it note.

Sticky Note Origami Frog

Materials Needed

  • One sticky note (any color)

How to Make a Sticky Note Origami Frog

Step 1: Take a Sticky Note Paper

Start by grabbing a sticky note. Make sure the adhesive strip is at the top, as it will help keep some of the folds in place.

Step 1

Step 2: Fold It Horizontally

Take the sticky note and fold it horizontally in half. This fold helps set the base for your easy origami frog.

Step 2

Step 3: Fold the Top Corners and Unfold

At the top of your folded sticky note, fold both corners inward to meet in the center, forming two triangles. After this, unfold the triangles. This step is preparing creases for later.

Step 3-a
Step 3-b

Step 5: Fold as Shown – Two Corners Upwards

Using the creases you’ve made, fold the two corners upward again, but this time, keep them folded. This begins forming the shape of the frog’s face.

Step 5-a
Step 5-b

Step 6: Fold Along the Line Between the Two Sides

Now, fold along the central line between the two sides of the sticky note, making the body more defined.

Step 6

Step 7: Create the Eyes and Face

To give your frog a more lively look, fold a few small sections at the top to form eyes. Adjust the folds to shape the frog’s face. This final touch brings your Sticky note origami frog to life.

Step 7-a
Step 7-b

Step 8: Your Sticky Note Origami Frog is Complete

With the final folds in place, your sticky note origami frog is ready! You can now enjoy your creation or share it with others.

Step 8


Creating this post-it note origami frog is not only simple but also rewarding. With just a sticky note and a few folds, you’ve made something fun and interactive. If you’re new to origami, I hope these Sticky note origami frog instructions were clear and easy to follow. Try experimenting with different sizes and colors of sticky notes to make a whole family of frogs!

If you found this guide helpful, I’d love to hear your feedback. Your thoughts help me improve and make these projects even more enjoyable.


  • Saima Islam

    Hi there! I'm Saima Islam, an author and origami instructor at I'm passionate about sharing the art of paper folding with you. Through clear tutorials, I'll guide you, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned folder, to master origami and unleash your creativity. Let's embark on this exciting journey together!

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