Origami 4 Petal Flower: A Forbidden Technique Emerges – Are You Ready for the Challenge?
Step 1: Start with a square piece of paper.
Step 2: Fold it in half diagonally to form a triangle.
Step 3: Unfold, then fold in half diagonally the other way.
Step 4: Unfold and fold the square in half horizontally and vertically.
Step 5: Collapse the paper along the existing creases to form a smaller square.
Step 6: Fold the corners to the center point to create a smaller square.
Step 7: Fold the outer edges of the square to the center to form a diamond shape.
Step 8: Fold the bottom corner of the diamond up to the top corner.
Step 9: Repeat the same fold with the other three corners.
Step 10: Open up the flaps to reveal your origami 4-petal flower. Adjust as needed for a cleaner finish.