How To Make An Origami Corner Heart Step By Step.
Name: Corner heart bookmark
Type: Origami
Designer: Nahid Hasan
Step 1: Need a square piece of paper.
Step 2: First, fold it horizontally in half and vertically as well.
Step 3: Turn it over and fold one corner down to the other corner. Then, turn it to the opposite corner.
Step 4: Now, take only the inside corners, fold these two to the middle down here, and then fold the top part.
Step 5: Next, take the right-side corner and fold it to the top. Do the same thing on the other side.
Step 6: Open it up and take the top corner, folding it down to the bottom.
Step 7: . Open it up again, take the first part, fold it up, then fold the right part to the top. Repeat on the other side.
Step 8: Take the top part and fold it down to the bottom.
Step 9: Take the bottom part and fold it to the center crease.
Step 10: Now, take the right part, fold it down pushing it into the corner, and create a nice crease. Repeat on the other side.
Step 11: Take this corner and fold it into the corner. Repeat on the other side.
Step 12: Take the top point of the bottom part and fold it down. Repeat on the other side.
Step 13: Finally, take this heart section, fold it back up, and press firmly over the heart. The origami corner heart is now completed.
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